All you need to know about how to do a ebike service yourself

When you own any piece of equipment that has some kind of mechanical parts then it will eventually have to be serviced or even repaired at some point, particularly with a bicycle. ebike service is very important, and it’s not only available in the ebike shop. Take a look at some useful tips to get you started…


How often should you repair your ebike?

Over time your ebike will go through a lot of wear and tear. Sometimes it’s only when we come face to face with a mechanical problem that we realise how fragile a ebike can be. Even the small failures can make a huge impact on the functionality of the ebike. Little problems such as moved brake pads can subtly cause your braking power to decrease.

Aim to get your ebike checked over every few months. Obviously, this is all dependent on how often you cycle. During the winter season the ebike can get in a bad state from the debris picked up off the wet and muddy conditions, so pay particular attention during this time.

How to repair your ebike

There are a couple of options to keep your ebike in a safe road worthy condition. The majority of ebike owners take it to a ebike shop. The other option is to fix it yourself. This may be a daunting thought to some, but there are so many of the typical common repairs that are fairly simple to fix yourself. It’s surprising how much a good set of tools can fix. Read on and, we’ll teach you how to perform your own ebike service.


How to replace…

Brakes pads

Brake pads are heavily used and they come with wear indicators, such as circles or lines. If these have disappeared from the pads wearing down, it’s time to replace them. All that’s needed is a 2.5 and 4 mm Allen key.